Thursday, 22 November 2018

Daughters of the Vote opportunity and Call to Action

Thursday November 22, 2018

Good morning to you all,

It has been some time since I sent out an email and I just wanted to touch base briefly with you today. An important opportunity for young women in our community who are interested in politics has a deadline of today. I apologize for not getting this out sooner! It is not a terribly complicated application and one young women from each riding will be selected to go to Ottawa in the spring and participate. Please look around you and see if someone might be interested and help them make the application. 

Here is the link:

Below are some other links you might be interested in, that I have been researching a  bit.

A few of us are planning to meet to talk about how to best support women locally who are thinking of politics in their lives. I know we just finished a municipal election, but we have a Federal one that will be here soon enough and honestly, we need the next 4 years to get an excellent group of women groomed and supported for the next election. Let's not decide at the eleventh hour because some CURRENT burning issue is driving you to engage. Make a decision to get engaged now....this doesn't mean YOU need to run, it just means you think this is important and can see yourself involved in some way. If that is you....I want to connect with you. We want to create a network that can support all of us as we go forward.

Are you or is someone you know always thinking about politics? Have you thought of running and why? Do you follow your government at the level you are most interested in? Do you go to council meetings? Do you watch them online? Do you meet with your candidates ( at all levels) and ask questions? If your only connection to politics is from behind your computer, then you are not really engaged. So let's meet, lets talk and see what transpires from there!

We will be calling a meeting of a few women just to start the conversation, and if you are interested please reply to this email and we will set a date to have a first face to face. 

If you didn't see the overall result of the Huron County Municipal Election here is a good link for you.

These are the women elected/acclaimed in Huron County....let's CELEBRATE them!! 
Anita Van Hittersum
Zoey Onn
Dianne Diehl
Brenda Dalton and Gloria Wilbee,
Sharen Zinn
Marg Anderson
Alison Lobb
Gloria Fisher
Anita Snobelen
Jennifer Miltenburg
Megan Gibson
Linda Henhoeffer
Marissa Vaughan
Dianne Faubert
Barb Ferguson Willard
On the school board front, Colleen Schenk has been acclaimed as the North Huron area’s Avon Maitland District School Board trustee.

And if you know them or if they are in your municipality, reach out and congratulate them! Get ENGAGED. Ask them if they need any support and follow through.
Something would appear we have NO elected women at the County Council for the next 4 years. 
The Inaugural Session of the Corporation of the County of Huron  Council will be held on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 1:00 PM. in the Court House Council Chambers in Goderich.
A Warden will be elected from the members of County Council to have the honour of being the Warden of Huron County for 2019-20.
The public is encouraged and welcome to attend this historic event.

One more thing before I go...the nominations are open for the Inspiring Women in Huron event - who inspires you? Nominate them. And here is something to think about for when you write the nomination.....Julie Sawchuk at our recent Women in Rural - Farm Radio Forum at the R2R conference in Blyth

challenged the intention of the word 'inspiring' or 'inspired'. Asking people when they say to her,'you really inspire me', to actually say what it is she inspired YOU to do. What change(s) did you make that were inspired by her. So when you write that nomination ( and DO IT!), describe what changes you made because that woman inspired you to make them. Let be intentional with our words and our actions.
Happy Thursday everyone!

Warm regards,

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Try A Little Kindness

Why don't people do more with their lives and time here on earth? Why is it enough to sit at home after work, or school or however you spend the bulk of your day, and do nothing. Maybe watch some TV, play on Facebook or Pinterest or online shopping. I am shocked at how many people feel it is ok to just exist and not do anything to contribute to the larger community.

We don't write letters anymore, heck we don't even talk on the phone much. We text and we think that makes us feel connected. I used to spend hours on the phone with my family out in Alberta and our long distance bills were crazy. Which caused a lot of stress in my marriage at the time.

Now most phone plans include free long distance anytime, anywhere in Canada. But we use the phone less. I try to use my driving time in the car to call family and just catch up. I love to hear their voices and talk about sometimes very minor stuff, but we also talk about big stuff and I can hear the expression in their voices. The joy, the sadness, the anger, the hope. Quite often the first couple of words and I know how they are feeling. You can't do that with a text.

Where did all that social capital go? 

I am a very busy person, most people say too busy. I sit on several boards, I took up learning the Harp after I turned 50 and recently auditioned for a local play in our little theatre. I also work full time at a very engaging position that I enjoy immensely. I always try to make community building as part of my volunteer time or down time. It is really important to me to connect with people. I need to know that I make a difference in the world. I even play with the idea of entering politics, but I know in my heart that I am not strong enough to handle the crap that people say and the abuse that is heaped on some good people who just want to make a difference. I think most people enter politics with good intentions, then get damaged by the system along the way.

We need more good in the world. We need more celebrations in our days. We need more loving kindness in our lives - everyday.  

The undercurrent in my life, the background noise is always a little bit of despair. There are so many things we hear about that make me feel so worried for the future of our world. We are pretty isolated from it in our rural Canadian communities. Sure we have access to world news instantly, and we feel angry, we feel scared, but does it really impact us in a deeper way? We sign online petitions - that often are just a way to get us on a mailing list. What happens after you sign the petition? Do you ever really see any results? Sometimes maybe. But signing a petition is not enough. Commenting on facebook posts is not enough. And wow...those trolls. Don't read the comments or you go down the rabbit hole. How can people say some of the things they do? Why would anyone wish that our Prime Minister had died in a recent motorcade accident? That is practically treason, but somehow the internet makes it ok for people to feel safe to say garbage like that. It hurts my heart to read it every time. I feel so sad that people have that much anger in them, that much hate.

I keep telling my kids, in fact anyone who will listen, to get involved in the community. GO to the food bank, and volunteer, don't just give food on occasion. You might actually meet the people who need your help and understand the need is deeper than food. Which might lead you to support them in a different more meaningful way. Go to the OSPCA and walk the dogs or pet the cats. GO to the seniors home and play a game or two. Join a board and learn about the work being done to make YOUR community a better place. You live here, you have a responsibility to make it a better place. A safer place. A more connected place. There is something for everyone to do. I believe with every fibre of my being that if people participated more in life, visited more, talked more, showed a little more kindness that the world would be a better, safer place. If we were less negative even, don't say it if it won't make the conversation better, or if it will hurt someone. Just don't say it. If you can't put good and positive stuff out there, at least don't put the negative, hurtful, hateful stuff out. It just feeds the hate.  Think before you talk or act. I need to remind myself sometimes that I don't always have to win a point. Just walk away.

This post is a bit 'ranty' ( new word?) but I was feeling a bit overwhelmed today with small minded comments, and the awareness of so much negative press. Now I will go and enjoy my safe and warm home here in snowy Ontario. I will spend time with friends making beautiful music this afternoon and enjoy quiet loving hours with my partner and my constant companion Jazzy the Doodle. I found balance in my weekend by enjoying time with my son and grandson, times I treasure.  I am so blessed with my life, I know that. Perhaps that is why I feel so compelled to invest in my community. I can't change the world, but I can be a part of my local world and space, and I can make a difference here. I hope you feel the same about your community. Try a little kindness.